The internet, social media, YouTube and discussion groups are all full of talk of the Last Days. Some polls say that many believe the Messiah will return soon. Many prophecies in Daniel, Zechariah and Revelation seem to be mirrored in the daily news. So, what do we do about it? First of all, to quote the Messiah “Don’t be afraid”. Okay, that sounds good. But what if you are a Christian being threatened with execution in Syria, Iraq or Sudan? What if you’re an Israeli getting ready to head to the shelters when the alarm goes off for Hezbollah and Hamas and their Iranian-bought and paid for rockets? Still, don’t be afraid. The Scriptures say that the kingdoms of the world will turn on Israel. Even its friends. But God’s covenant is eternal and in the typical way He works, Israel will prevail. His holy city Jerusalem will survive (Damascus won’t). So far all the pundits, news anchors and press secretaries and spokespersons have ignored the one basic fact: the Bible is never wrong.