The Temple Mount in Jerusalem is a destination for all faithful travelers to Israel. A reminder of Israels faithfulness, failures in that faithfulness that brought about ruin and a promise of return and restoration. There are two other places which bear witness to these things and they at first seem to be easy to grasp. Herod was a masterful builder and a man of frightful passions. He was a consummate political survivor, outlasting the Roman civil war and shifting his loyalty from the defeated Antony to Caesars successors. He eliminated any possible rivals, from family or friends or baby boys under the age of two who could have been the Messiah and King. He died unloved and feared. But he built cities, public works and remarkable palaces and fortified refuges for himself that later became strongholds during two revolts. These were Masada and The Herodium, the last redoubts of the Zealots and Bar Kokhbas rebels. The two are well worth a visit and a story.
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