Monday, June 30, 2014

You can support Israel and earn money at the same time for your ministry, church or even yourself!

By joining our affiliate program you can earn an income simply by showing your support for the Nation of Israel and the many Believer owned businesses, artists and musicians in the Land. The Jerusalem Gift Shop is the largest and most respected online Christian retailer in the world that sells gifts directly from the Holy Land. The company is owned and operated by Christian and Jewish believers in Yeshua and our vision is to connect the Nations to Israel and its people while supporting and strengthening the Believing community living in the Land.

Sunday, June 29, 2014

A special Momento from Jerusalem now reduced during our Summer Clearance Sale!

The Jerusalem Stone™ is a small piece of the same hand-cut white stone from which the city's walls have been built for over 2000 years. It is packaged with a beautiful soft embroidered pouch and a gift-card bearing its unique logo. The Jerusalem Stone™ is a perfect memento for any Jerusalem lover and holds all of the charm, beauty and history of this sacred part of the world. Boxed size: 7 x 3.5 x 0.75 Inch / 18 x 9 x 2 cm Beautiful Christian gift for any lover of Israel. Holy Land Souvenir Shipped to you direct from the Holy Land.

Israel: Innovation Where Necessary, Invention as a Rule – News from Jerusalem

The people of the new nation of Israel had the odds against them in 1948.Their backs were to the sea, their enemies who outnumbered the citizens by dozens to one, and armies with up to date weaponry and led by experienced British former officers were lying in wait for the emergence of the first Jewish State since 135 CE. After the declaration of Statehood the torrent of war was launched and arms embargoes were declared by nations, even friendly ones who feared the loss of oil supplies and future access to petrol products. The new nation had to improvise and did, ingeniously.

Menorah - Messianic Grafted in Symbol - Brass 8.7 Inch

Our most popular Messianic Menorah with Grafted in Symbol. Lovingly created here in Israel and shipped to you directly from Jerusalem size: 8 ¾ inches Solid Brass

My Mother’s First Tel Aviv Bus Ride – News from Jerusalem

I lived in Tel Aviv through the Second Intifada-- the years when buses around the country blew up weekly. An underfunded university student at the time, I had no choice but to continue to ride the buses daily as frequent taxi rides were beyond my budget. I slowly realized that this mode of transportation was really no big deal and I probably had a better chance of meeting my demise in a taxi crash than on an ill-fated bus. I imagine the victims of such acts of terrorism felt the same way as they unknowingly boarded their doomed buses.

Friday, June 27, 2014

Everyone Has an Opinion and Not Every Debate Is a Fight – News from Jerusalem

Israelis are known for not keeping their opinions to themselves. Random strangers will offer advice on every topic in existence, whether solicited or not. Walk down the street with a new baby on a balmy 80 degree afternoon and at least three grandmas will reprimand you for not dressing him warm enough. Infants in Siberia would surely never be allowed to leave the house with these bubbes patrolling the neighborhood.

Holy Land Stone in Olive Wood Box - Stones Would Cry Out Luke 19:40

Exclusive to The Jerusalem Gift Shop Engraved Holy Land stone inside a beautifully crafted olive wood box featuring a Jerusalem plaque by renowned Israeli artist Itzak Luvaton. The stone has been engraved with a 'Grafted In' symbol and the following verse spoken by Jesus on the Mount of Olives in Jerusalem But He answered and said to them, "I tell you that if these should keep silent, the stones would immediately cry out." Luke 19:40 These unique stones have been designed for the increasing yearning of peoples all around the World, to experience and connect with the Holy Land of Israel

Peace in Israel? (Part 1) – News from Jerusalem

What exactly are the roots of the Palestinian/Israeli conflict, two peoples claiming the same piece of land? In the New Testament Book of Matthew, we read how Yeshua Jesus warned his disciples of the coming destruction of the Jewish Temple, an event that took place when Titus surrounded Jerusalem to stop the Jewish rebellion and completely destroyed the Temple in 70 AD and the surrounding city, about 40 years after the event described in Matthew where the Messiah warned of this future destruction. The Roman Jewish historian Flavius Josephus reports that as many as 1.1 million were slaughtered by the invading Roman Legion. This led to a massive scattering of the Jewish people to the Diaspora or the dispersed settlement of Jews already living outside of the Land of Israel, which was now called Judaea by the Romans.

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Grafted-In Pendant on Sale during our summer Clearance!

A beautifully delicate 'Grafted In Pendant' Christian symbol, thought to have been worn by the first followers of Jesus combining the Menorah, Star of David and Fish. And if some of the branches were broken off, and you, being a wild olive tree were grafted in among them, and with them became a partaker of the root and fatness of the olive tree, do not boast against the branches. But if you boast, remember that you do not support the root, but the root supports you. (Romans 11:17-18)

Archaeology and Tradition: Are the Holy Places Really Authentic? – News from Jerusalem

Pilgrims and tourists to Israel usually have a list of the holy places they want to see and visit. Working with an experienced travel bureau and guide will construct a memorable journey of faith and amazement. But occasionally, the question of “is this REALLY where this event happened?” Did the Savior really do this here? Sometimes archaeology and tradition clash. Added to this are the constant academic discourses and papers, excavations and controversies that archaeologists and scholars bring to the table.

Meet the Druze: a Unique Community in Israel – News from Jerusalem

The Druze occupy a unique position in Israel, not only as a people but a religion. The Druze do not accept converts, send missionaries or consider themselves a part of any other faith. They are a genuinely separate group that combines key elements of Judaism, Christianity and Islam and adds things found in Greek and Egyptian philosophies and even Hinduism. Their numbers and population are kept intact by their separateness and families. Their religious tenents are secret and are not open to nonbelievers. They number about one million worldwide and there are about 104,000 in Israel. Their home ground in Israel is mostly in the Galilee and Golan region. They also serve in the IDF and are genuinely a unique people. The Knesset has granted a modicum to their unique structure by allowing them their own courts for certain legal processes such as marriage issues.

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

On sale during our summer clearance!

Pair of Israeli made scented Olive Oil Soaps created with olives from the Holy Land. Packet art by artist 'Trabish'. Size: 100 gram approx. Made in Israel. Produced by Palphot. "...a land of oil olive, and honey" (Deuteronomy 8:8)

Christian Arabs in Israel: A Significant Minority – News from Jerusalem

At first the term Christian Arabs may seem like an oxymoron, a contradiction in terms. But all Arabs are not Muslims and there are differences within Islam as well. Arabs are essentially Semites as were the people of 1st century Judea. Today, Christian Arabs seem to be safe only in Israel as persecution is rampant in the tinder box we call the Middle East. Getting to know these valued citizens of Israel and their contributions is an important lesson in seeing how Israel has successfully worked with a significant and influential minority to the benefit of all. We can also learn to fact check and see the complexity of the relationships among the people of Israel and how we can apply these lessons to our own attitudes and actions.

Seminary Students Kidnapped in Judea and Samaria – News from Jerusalem

The kidnapping of three yeshiva students studying in Jewish seminaries two weeks ago, from the area of Bethlehem and Hebron in Judea, has led to a massive search and the arrest of scores of Palestinians, many of whom belong to the terrorist organization Hamas. This is only the first stage of what is to be expected from the establishment of the new Unity Government combining the PLO of Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas with Hamas head Ismail Haniyah.

The Safest Airline in the World: A Short History of El Al – News from Jerusalem

Israel has many achievements to its name. For a nation of its size it leads in more fields than anyone can name. Airline safety is one of them and its record for the safe delivery of its passengers is unsurpassed. El Al began with the birthday of the nation itself and today excels in passenger and cargo service unmatched by any other airline. El Al got off to a first class start when it transported the new nation’s first president, Chaim Weizmann to the capitol, Tel Aviv in 1948. The also-new Israeli Air Force transferred a war surplus, former US Army Air Corps C-54 to transport duty. It was painted inn civilian colors and had seats instead of cargo handling gear in the passenger area. A significant beginning to a new state and a new air line.

Monday, June 23, 2014

Summer Clearence

The Great Jerusalem Gift Shop's Annual Summer Clearance Sale! Quality products shipped direct from the Holy Land at knockdown prices.

Teen Killed by Blast on Syrian Border – News from Jerusalem

A blast went off near the Syrian border in the Golan Heights killing a 15 year-old boy and injuring at least three including his father as they drove in the area. This marks the first time that an Israeli has been killed as a result of the three year Syrian conflict. Opposing government and rebel forces fighting over a nearby village may have contributed to the attack. The blast occurred near the Tel Hazaka post prompting an Israeli tank to return fire. The boy was traveling with his father, a civilian defense contractor who had been working on repairs on the security fence.

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

This is our most popular anointing oil. 250ml bottles are only $7.95 reduced from $17.85!

Frankincense, Myrrh and Spikenard Anointing Oil from Bible Land Treasures. Size: 250ml / 8.45 Fl. Oz. Made in the Galilee region of the Holy Land. The Spirit of the Lord God is upon me, because the Lord anointed me... (Isaiah 61:1) Shipped to you directl

How Israel’s Government Works: Civics101. – News from Jerusalem

In spite of attempts to plant democratic governments in the Middle East by the United States and Europe, in reality the only genuinely successful democracy has been Israel. The experience of bearing the brunt of persecutions that Israel’s founders had endured convinced them that establishing a working democratic form of government in The Land would keep it free and strong. They were right and it works. Support for Israel is essential to keep the door to democracy in the Middle East open.

Free Our Boys! – News from Jerusalem

There are a number of things that I shared in earlier blogs that I’d like to review right now. First of all, that it is impossible to understand this nation apart from the tragedy of the Holocaust. When people threaten to destroy us, we have to take it seriously, as Prime Minister Begin so poignantly said years ago. We lost 6 million people, including 1½ million children. Children are our future and they are treasured.

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Holy Land Souvenirs

Souvenirs from the Holy Land of Israel - Small gifts that mean so much and impart a personal message to those you love and are sure to be cherished by those you give.

Qumran's a Significant Cultural Foundation – News from Jerusalem

In every country, a culture runs as deep as the plants, animals, and people groups who lived on the land before them. In Israel, land of creation, culture is no different. Preservation of the past connects the Holy Land's modernity and technology to the rock on which it stands.

Monday, June 16, 2014

Culinary Twists You Will Love in Israel – News from Jerusalem

Although food varieties and choices in Israel resemble much of what can be found in any Western country, Israelis have a few unique traditional eating habits that will differ from how one might feast in an English-speaking country. While these eating habits may seem foreign when compared to your everyday norm, you will soon discover that this Mediterranean/Middle Eastern style of dining will surprise and delight you. Who knows, like many of us, you may fall in love with the Israeli way of doing things and you may never again be able to readjust to your native culinary culture.

Clay Lamps Perfume and Incense

Perfumes, scented candles and oil lamps - Genuine Christian Gifts from the Holy Land that will bring the fragrance and feel of Jerusalem to your home.

Is Crusade a word to avoid? – News from Jerusalem

Let’s look at this whole scene from Jewish eyes and re-think the whole thing. One sign of a good ambassador and guest is that they avoid topics that are issues of controversy around their hosts and that they respect in advance the feelings of all concerned. The Crusades are such a topic. Christian pilgrims and tourists read much before they board the flight to make their aliyot to The Land. They will envelope themselves in the Bible, travel guides, history books that cover everything from Egyptian Pharaohs, Assyrian and Babylonian armies, Roman emperors and legions, Muslim Caliphs and Sultans and Crusaders.

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Bible Study Tools from the Holy Land

Educational tools for the serious Bible student - Learn 'hands on' about the Second Temple and the Tabernacle in the wilderness by building an authentically scaled model kit. Learn Hebrew and walk in the Footsteps of Jesus. Ideal tools to study the Bible in Hebrew - games for the classroom and Sunday School to educate and promote the use of the Bible. Educational trustworthy products designed in the Holy Land for the whole Christian family.

Can an Arab Christian Love Israel? Part II

In the first part of this blog, I told the testimony of an Arab Christian from Bethlehem who came to know and to love the Jewish people. It’s a rare occurrence in this day and age, but it’s hard to understand why it’s so rare. God calls Himself the God of Israel, and Yeshua is the Messiah of Israel. I’ve heard of many ‘Christians’ who have adopted ‘Replacement Theology’, believing that God is finished with the Jewish people and all of the blessings are now for the church instead. And just yesterday I heard that there are a large number of Evangelical Christians—until now Israel’s staunchest supporters—who believe that this Israel has nothing to do with the Lord! I’m practically speechless!

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

From Tzeit-tzeit to Fur hats and Black Coats

The world of clothing a visitor sees in Israel and what it all means. Israel is a microsmic state of a macrocosmic culture. The Diaspora sent the Jewish people into the four corners of the earth and from those corners they are returning to the Promised Land. They are bringing with them the cultures of the places where they have been sojourning and the clothes on their backs in many cases. The streets of Jerusalem are a kaleidoscope of mixing styles of attire. This wardrobe can range from sport shirts and kippas to fur trimmed hat and, long black coats. Let’s start with some basics.

Monday, June 9, 2014

Holy Land Olive Wood

Hand made by Christians we stock an enormous range of Olive Wood products from Bethlehem - the place where Jesus was born make the perfect Christian gift ffrom the Holy Land - Something for everyone and shipped to you direct from Jerusalem. "But I am like a green olive tree in the house of God; I trust in the mercy of God forever and ever." (Psalm 52:8)

Wine in the Bible and Modern Israeli Wineries – News from Jerusalem

One of the first physical signs of a civilization is wine. Evidence of wine means several things to an archaeologist or anthropologist. For one, it means that the place they are excavating had people stay long enough to make pottery in which to store liquids. It also means that they planted some type crop instead of continuing to be wandering hunters and gatherers. And one of the crops they planted or cultivated from an existing growth were grapes which they fermented. After that they made wine and learned how to enjoy leisure time with it

Can an Arab Christian Love Israel? – News from Jerusalem

“When I was eleven years old, my mother, who had been quite ill, was miraculously healed by the Lord and came to know Him in a real way. My father and I also gave our lives to the Lord at that time. I was attending a Catholic school in Bethlehem, as it was a good school. I was a ‘child of the Intifada’. We were taught that the Jews and the Israelis especially were our enemies and that we should hate them, that Jesus was a Palestinian, etc. After I came to know the Lord in a real way, I started to read the Bible for the very first time and was shocked to discover that it was all Jewish! I couldn’t wait to tell that information to my religion teacher at school. I tried to approach it in a casual way, so I asked him, ‘What was Mary before she became Catholic?’ ‘She was always Catholic,’ my teacher replied emphatically.

Sunday, June 8, 2014

What’s for lunch? – News from Jerusalem

What the average Israeli has for lunch (and the rest of the day). “Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and dine with him, and he with Me. “(Revelation 3:20, NKJV). Food was very important in ancient Israel and much of Scripture speaks of food and eating. In ancient times there were very strict traditions on dining. Men did not eat with women present. You ate with the right hand exclusively. Families ate together and usually from a common dish or with wooden bowls. Bread was the fork knife and spoon. Protein was fish; meat was for special occasions, and for very special ones at that, like Pesach. Being invited to dine with the family meant that you were allowed into a unique and intimate place. When Jesus asked us to let Him in, He was allowing us to become close to Him, as a family member. Today’s Israel seems to be a big family and they share their friendship and some wonderful foods.

Saturday, June 7, 2014

Light of Jerusalem Anointing Oil - Value 3 Pack

Value Triple Pack of high quality Frankincense, Myrrh, Cinnamon and Cassia anointing oil - For those who are working with spiritual needs in church, preparation for a ministry, dedication and holiness. Anointing Oil from the City of God. Is anyone among you sick? Let him call for the elders of the church, and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord. (James 5:14) Made in Israel. Size: 7.5 ml.

Friday, June 6, 2014

Anointing Oil - Perfumed with Spikenard

A sweet smelling high quality ceremonial anointing oil, useful especially for those who are working with spiritual needs in the church, preparation for a ministry, dedication and holiness. Anointing Oil from the City of God. Is anyone among you sick? Let him call for the elders of the church, and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord. (James 5:14)

Kosher for Christians

What’s okay to eat and what’s not and a general discussion of what it means. One of the things about Jewish lifestyle that everyone seems to know about is Kosher. Many grocery chains have Kosher aisles in the market and the term “Rabbinical supervision” is on the label. There are many misconceptions and just as many arguments about “what’s Kosher” and how strict is it interpreted that make it an intriguing item for discussion. And what better place to start than in Israel

Orthodox and Ultra-Orthodox Jews: Who are they?

Judaism worships One God but can show that worship in various ways. Today modern Israel is a secular state with an official faith, Orthodox Judaism. Judaism has other branches including Ultra-Orthodox, which despite living in separatist communities within the Land barely admits to its existence in some cases. Even in Jesus’ time there were groups within Israel that looked to interpret the Scriptures from several perspectives. The Samaritans and Sadducees recognized only the Torah as ordained Scripture. The Pharisees and Essenes observed the Torah and commentaries, The Herodians were more casual and adopted many Greek and Roman social conventions and still maintained their status within their Jewish roots. The Zealots were extreme activists and literally the assassins of those who they viewed as traitors and pawns of the Romans.

Orthodox and Ultra-Orthodox Jews: Who are they?

Judaism worships One God but can show that worship in various ways. Today modern Israel is a secular state with an official faith, Orthodox Judaism. Judaism has other branches including Ultra-Orthodox, which despite living in separatist communities within the Land barely admits to its existence in some cases. Even in Jesus’ time there were groups within Israel that looked to interpret the Scriptures from several perspectives. The Samaritans and Sadducees recognized only the Torah as ordained Scripture. The Pharisees and Essenes observed the Torah and commentaries, The Herodians were more casual and adopted many Greek and Roman social conventions and still maintained their status within their Jewish roots. The Zealots were extreme activists and literally the assassins of those who they viewed as traitors and pawns of the Romans.

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Happy Shavuot from Jerusalem!

Sunset on June 3rd marks the beginning of the holiday of Shavuot, the Festival of Weeks. Shavuot is one of the three traditional pilgrimage holidays in the Jewish religion, along with Passover and Shukkot. These holidays hold both a historical and agricultural significance and during biblical and Roman times, when the Temple stood in Jerusalem, Jews from around the land of Israel journeyed to the city to bring offerings. Traditionally on Shavuot, Jews presented the first fruits of the season and, for this reason, Shavuot is also known as Hag ha-Bikkurim or the Festival of the First Fruits. In its more historical meaning, Shavuot commemorates the giving of the Torah by God to the Jewish people at Mt. Sinai. Therefore, this holiday is also referred to as Hag Matan Torateinu or the Festival of the Giving of the Torah.

Monday, June 2, 2014

The National Bird: Hoopoe News from Jerusalem

A flit of black and white near an olive grove resembles a lost zebra, but in Israel, it is the plumage of the national birdthe decadent Hoopoe. Named after its oooop, oooop, oooop call, the bird has black and white stripes down the lower half of its body. Its head and shoulders are rust red, with a crest of loose brown feathers forming a double beak off the back of its head. Its striking appearancehalf-dipped in a bucket of black and white paintgave the Hoopoe celebrity status in ancient Egypt.

Deserts a-Bloom News from Jerusalem

The rebirth of Israels agriculture and lots of other things in places only an Israeli would work.The Negev is one of earths most desolate places. It is not a place for much of anything. However, Israelis dont like to take no for an answer and a combination of hard work, determination and technology are making the desert pay its way. The farms in the Negev are also on their way to doubling the settled space in Israel. These are agricultural and research and development centers. David Ben-Gurion said that Israels future lies in the Negev, the products and ideas being developed there are putting Israels name on more things than anyone can number or name.