Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Israel's PM Netanyahu on Construction in Jerusalem

Jerusalem is not a settlement; Jerusalem is the capital of the State of Israel. Israel has never accepted upon itself restrictions of any kind on construction in Jerusalem, which has approximately 800,000 residents, including during the ten months in which construction was suspended in Judea and Samaria.

Israel sees no connection between the diplomatic process and planning and building policy in Jerusalem, which has not changed in 40 years. All Israeli governments in the past 40 years have built in all parts of the city. During this period, peace agreements were signed with Egypt and Jordan, and for 17 years, diplomatic negotiations have been conducted with the Palestinians. These are historical facts. Construction in Jerusalem has never hindered the peace process.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Thousands of Christians celebrate in Jerusalem

The annual Christian celebration of the Feast of Tabernacles opened last Thursday evening in Jerusalem with a flurry of dynamic worship and a colorful parade of flags from scores of nations represented at this year’s gathering, sponsored by the International Christian Embassy Jerusalem.

The ever-popular Jerusalem March passed joyfully through the streets of Jerusalem yesterday, with pilgrims waving flags and wearing national colors and costumes, to express their love and support for Israel and the Jewish People.

Read more at News from Jerusalem

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Thousands of Christian Zionists Gather on Capitol Hill to Support Israel

Christian Zionists numbering in the thousands met this week in Washington, D.C., to make an unwavering stand with Israel – something some would say the Obama administration has been reluctant to do:

Gathering for the fifth annual Christians United for Israel (CUFI) Washington Summit, 4,500 lobbied lawmakers to maintain America’s historic support for Israel and declare their solidarity with the Jewish state.

At the Night to Honor Israel event, CUFI founder John Hagee told the crowd, "Israel's enemies are our enemies; Israel's fight is our fight," continuing that, "If a line has to be drawn, then let it be drawn around both of us: Christians and Jews, Americans and Israelis."

"Can we support any peace process that rejects Israel's right to exist? The answer is no, we can't," then answering his own question he stated, "Peace is a two-way street. Israel cannot make all the concessions for peace. The Palestinians must also make concessions for peace."

In a previous petition presented to members of Congress Pastor Hagee’s CUFI organization stated:

“We believe that the Jewish people have a right to live in their ancient land of Israel, and that the modern State of Israel is the fulfillment of this historic right.

We maintain that there is no excuse for acts of terrorism against Israel and that Israel has the same right as every other nation to defend her citizens from such violent attacks.

We pledge to stand with our brothers and sisters in Israel and to speak out on their behalf whenever and wherever necessary until the attacks stop and they are finally living in peace and security with their neighbors."

Summit participants thanked members of Congress who helped pass Iran sanctions last month and who defended Israel in May against criticism of its raid on a Turkish flotilla seeking to break the Gaza blockade.

CUFI Executive Director David Brog said "Israel's not the problem in the Middle East," continuing to explain that "The Arab rejection of a Jewish state anywhere in the Middle East is really the problem and the source of the conflict" adding also "We think the administration should ... push the Arab states and entities to recognize Israel and be willing to live in peace with Israel, then we might see a changed dynamic that can bring peace"

Read more Christian News from Jerusalem

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Abbas honors mastermind of Munich Olympics massacre

Abbas on mastermind of Munich Olympics massacre: "A wonderful brother, companion, tough and stubborn, relentless fighter"

Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas and the Fatah movement have used the death of the mastermind of the murders of the 11 Israeli athletes during the 1972 Munich Olympics as their latest opportunity to honor and glorify terror, presenting him as a Palestinian hero and role model.

In a condolence telegram quoted in the official PA daily newspaper, Abbas referred to Muhammad Daoud Oudeh, who died Saturday, as "a wonderful brother, companion, tough and stubborn, relentless fighter," and described him as "one of the prominent leaders of the Fatah movement." Abbas also called the family to express his condolences.

On Sept. 5, 1972, eight members of the Palestinian terror organization Black September broke into the athletes' village at the Munich Olympics. They kidnapped and ultimately murdered 11 Israeli athletes and coaches. Oudeh, also known as Abu Daoud, planned the attack. He never expressed remorse for his killings.

Another senior Fatah official, Abbas Zaki, member of the Fatah Central Committee, described the planner of the Munich Olympics hostage taking with the following words: "He started his life as a regular individual and concluded it with giant stature," and referred to "his noble actions and his glorious history."

The pride that PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas and the Fatah movement take in Palestinian terrorists who have killed Israeli civilians is part of a pattern. Palestinian Media Watch has reported that Abbas himself has expressed pride in training Hezbollah terrorists, sent greetings to some of the worst Palestinian terrorists in Israeli prisons and funded a computer center named after Dalal Mughrabi, who led the worst terror attack in Israel's history, in which 37 civilians were killed. See these examples and others with link to PMW's website below.

Read more at News from Jerusalem

Friday, June 18, 2010

VIDEO / IHH leader tells boat passengers to 'throw IDF soldiers into the sea'

Israel’s Foreign Ministry has today published a video found among belongings of Turkish flotilla passenger.

Footage from the The video shows Bulent Yildirim, leader of the IHH group speaking to activists on the ship saying, 'We don't want to be recorded in Allah's book as cowards. If you send commandos, we will throw you down from here'

The video below shows an Egyptian parliament member shouting to the crowd: "Millions of martyrs marching to Gaza," and the response from the passengers echoing his call for "millions of martyrs marching to Gaza!"

"They (Israel) are so weak that for 4-5 days they have been engaging in propaganda (against us)…they have been humiliated in front of the whole world… now they are saying that they will launch a fleet (against us)… that they will send the commandos here (to the ship)."

"And we say: 'If you send the commandos, we will throw you down from here and you will be humiliated in front of the whole world," Yildirim tells the passengers.

Read more and watch video at News from Jerusalem

Monday, April 26, 2010

Hamas Threatens life of kidnapped Israeli Soldier in cartoon - Could they be any more disgusting?

Fathi Hamad, a key Hamas figure involved in negotiations for Gilad Shalit's release has a three-year-old daughter who was transferred to Jordan for urgent medical treatment. Israel allowed the transfer on humanitarian grounds.

A defense establishment official explained that despite the unusual request and the fact that the girl's father is a Hamas man, Israel decided to approve the humanitarian move in order to save the girl's life.

The source added that it would have been wrong to turn down the request, despite the fact that Hamad is a senior Hamas member involved in the negotiations aimed at securing the release of kidnapped soldier Gilad Shalit.

And how did Hamas respond to the goodwill gesture? With a manipulative animated video depicting Gilad Shalit's return in a coffin to an old and gray father. The video ends with a renewed Hamas threat to kidnap more Israeli soldiers.

Read more at News from Jerusalem

Wednesday, April 21, 2010



Israel is only 1/6 of 1% of the landmass of the Middle East .
Israel is roughly half the size of Lake Michigan .
The Sea of Galilee , at 695 ft. Below sea level, is the lowest freshwater lake in the world.
The Dead Sea is the lowest surface point on earth, at about 1,373 feet below sea level.
Israel is the only nation in the world that entered the 21st century with a net gain in it's number of trees.
Jericho is the oldest continuously inhabited town in the world.
The Mount of Olives in Jerusalem is the oldest, continually used cemetery in the world.

Israel 's population is half the size of Metro New York City.
Israel has only 2% of the population of the Middle East .
Israel has the highest ratio of university degrees per capita in the world.
Israel produces more scientific papers per capita than any other nation in the world - by a large margin.
Israel has the highest number of scientists and technicians per capita in the world - by a large margin.
Israel has the highest number of engineers per capita in the world.
Israel has the highest number of PhD's per capita in the world.
Israel has the highest number of physicians per capita in the world.
Israel has the largest percentage of it's workforce employed in technical professions in the world.
Israel is the largest immigrant-absorbing nation in the world, per capita.
Israel is the only country in the Middle East where the Christian population has grown over the last 50 years.
Israel is the only country in the Middle East where Christians, Muslims and Jews are all
free to vote.
Israel is the only country in the Middle East where women enjoy full political rights.

Israel has the largest number of startup companies per capita in the world.
Israel is the world's largest wholesale diamond center, finally surpassing Antwerp in the 1970's. Most of the cut & polished diamonds in the world come from Israel .
Israel has the largest number of NASDAQ listed companies outside of the US and Canada.
Israel was the first country to have a free trade agreement with the United States .
Apart from the Silicon Valley, Israel has the highest concentration of hi-tech companies in the world.

The cell phone was developed in Israel at Motorola's largest development center.
The Voice Mail technology was developed in Israel .
In the early 80's, IBM chose an Israeli-designed computer chip as the brains for it's first personal computers.
The first anti-virus software for computers was developed in Israel in 1979.
Most of the Windows NT and XP operating systems were developed in Israel by
Both the Pentium-4 and Centrino processors were entirely designed, developed and produced in Israel .
The Pentium MMX Chip techn! ology was designed in Israel at Intel.
Israel has the highest number of home computers per capita in the world.
The technology for the AOL Instant Messenger and ICQ was developed in 1996 by 4 young Israelis.
Israel was the first Middle Eastern country to launch a satellite, the Ofek 1, on September 19, 1988.

Hebrew is the only case of a dead national language being revived in all of world history. Hebrew had not been spoken as a native tongue by anyone for centuries. Today it is the native tongue of millions of people.
Israel has more museums per capita than any other nation in the world.
Israel has more orchestras per capita than any other nation in the world.
Israel publishes more books per capita than any other nation in the world.
Israel publishes more books translated from other languages than any other nation in the world.
Israel reads more books per capita than any other nation in the world.
The most independent and free Arabic press in the Middle East is in Israel.

Israel has the largest fleet of F-16 aircraft outside of the US .
Israel has the world's most impenetrable airline security.
Israel spends more money per capita on its own protection than any country in the world.

Israel 's dairy cows are the most productive dairy cows in the world. They average
25,432 pounds of milk per cow per year, compared to just 18,747 pounds from American cows; 17,085 from Canadian cows; 13,778 from European Union cows; 10,207 from Australian cows; and 6,600 from Chinese cows.
Israel has more in-vitro fertilization per capita than anywhere in the world, and it's free.
Israelis, per capita, are the world's biggest consumers of fruits and vegetables.

Of the 175 UN Security Council resolutions passed before 1990, 97 were directed against Israel . Of the 690 UN General Assembly resolutions voted on before 1990, 429 were directed against Israel!

More News from Jerusalem

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

PM: Jerusalem is not a settlement

Speaking at AIPAC conference Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu said "Jerusalem is not a settlement," but Israel's capital.

"The connection between the Jewish people and the Land of Israel cannot be denied. The connection between the Jewish people and Jerusalem cannot be denied.

The Jewish people were building Jerusalem 3,000 year ago and the Jewish people are building Jerusalem today. Jerusalem is not a settlement. It is our capital."

He went on to say "As the world faces monumental challenges, I know that Israel and America will face them together"

The conference, a major show of pro-Israel power was attended by almost half of the members of Senate. At one point, two women from and anti-war group called Code Pink disrupted the prime minister's speech, causing him to stop for a few seconds. The demonstrators were quickly removed from the hall.

In his address, Mr. Netanyahu said that, although Israel cherishes its homeland, it also recognizes that Palestinians live there, as well.

"We don't want to govern them. We don't want to rule them. We want them as our neighbors, living freely in security, dignity and peace," he said.

Addressing the conference, Ms. Clinton implied Israel faced rising isolation on the world stage if it did not make concessions the United States says are necessary for the Palestinians to eventually get a state of their own.

More News from Jerusalem

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Rocket from Gaza kills man in Israel

rocket into Israel from the Gaza Strip on Thursday killed a Thai agricultural worker, while the European Union's foreign affairs chief was visiting Hamas-controlled Gaza.

Baroness Catherine Ashton, the EU's top diplomat, had just crossed into the Gaza Strip from Israel about an hour before the attack.

"A Color Red alert was sounded," one of the community's residents related to a YNet reporter. "We ran to find cover. There were about 20 seconds until we heard a very loud explosion."

Paramedics, who transported the injured man to a medical facility on Moshav Nativ Ha'asara in the Ashkelon Coast Regional Council, were unable to save him.

An unknown Gaza group, Ansar al-Sunna, claimed responsibility for the attack, launched a day before the international Quartet of Middle East peace mediators was to meet in Moscow to discuss ways to revive Israeli-Palestinian talks.

The attack marks the third time rockets have been fired into Israeli territory in the last 24 hours.

More News from Jerusalem

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Report: U.S. Mobilizing for Strike on Iran

Hundreds of powerful US “bunker-buster” bombs are being shipped from California to the British island of Diego Garcia in the Indian Ocean in preparation for a possible attack on Iran according to Scottish Newspaper report.

The Sunday Herald said they can reveal the US government signed a contract in January to transport 10 ammunition containers to the island. According to a cargo manifest from the US navy, this included 387 “Blu” bombs used for blasting hardened or underground structures.

Experts say that they are being put in place for an assault on Iran’s controversial nuclear facilities. There has long been speculation that the US military is preparing for such an attack, should diplomacy fail to persuade Iran not to make nuclear weapons.

Although the story was not confirmed at the time, the new evidence suggests that it was accurate.

Dan Plesch, director of the Center for International Studies and Diplomacy at the University of London and co-author of a recent study on US preparations for an attack on Iran was quoted by the Scottish newspaper as saying, “They are gearing up totally for the destruction of Iran. US bombers are ready today to destroy 10,000 targets in Iran in a few hours."

The preparations were being made by the US military, but it would be up to President Obama to make the final decision. He may decide that it would be better for the US to act instead of Israel, Plesch argued.

Diego Garcia is used by the US as a military base under an agreement made in 1971 with the British.

Neither the United States nor Israel have ruled out military action if diplomacy fails to resolve the long-running row over Iran's disputed nuclear ambitions.

According to The Herald, a shipping company based in Florida, Superior Maritime Services, will be paid $699,500 to carry many thousands of military items from Concord, California, to Diego Garcia.

Crucially, the cargo includes 195 smart, guided, Blu-110 bombs and 192 massive 2000lb Blu-117 bombs.

“The US is not publicising the scale of these preparations to deter Iran, tending to make confrontation more likely,” he added. “The US ... is using its forces as part of an overall strategy of shaping Iran’s actions.”

According to Ian Davis, director of the new independent thinktank, Nato Watch, the shipment to Diego Garcia is a major concern. “We would urge the US to clarify its intentions for these weapons, and the Foreign Office to clarify its attitude to the use of Diego Garcia for an attack on Iran,” he said.

The British Ministry of Defence has said in the past that the US government would need permission to use Diego Garcia for offensive action. It has already been used for strikes against Iraq during the 1991 and 2003 Gulf wars.

More News from Jerusalem

Saturday, March 13, 2010

U.S Secretary of State Clinton Slams Israel

US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, in an almost unprecedented rebuke in decades of strong ties with Israel telephoned Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu to personally scorn his decision to build new housing units for Jews in Jerusalem.

Clinton said the announcement to construct these new homes sent a "deeply negative signal" about Israel's ties to its top ally.

The Middle East Quartet made up of the European Union, the United States, Russia and the United Nations also slammed Israel in a statement saying it “condemns Israel's decision to advance planning for new housing units in East Jerusalem." The statement also said "The Quartet has agreed to closely monitor developments in Jerusalem and to keep under consideration additional steps that may be required to address the situation on the ground"

US frustration with Israel’s announcement of the housing project as Vice President Joe Biden was on a visit to Israel was delivered by State Department spokesman Philip Crowley who told reporters that Israel’s move ran "counter to the spirit of the vice president's trip" saying also that it had harmed “the bilateral relationship.”

After speaking with Netanyahu Hillary Clinton heaped further scorn on the Jewish state in a CNN interview saying "The announcement of the settlements, the very day that the vice president was there, was insulting," adding "It was just really a very unfortunate and difficult moment for everyone, the U.S., our vice president who had gone to reassert America's strong support for Israeli security, and I regret deeply that that occurred and made that view known."

Since Obama came to office relations with Israel have been strained, and Biden’s trip was intended as a fence-mending mission. Now it has led to the biggest crisis between the two countries in two decades.

More News from Jerusalem

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Ahmadinejad: Hated Israel will be annihilated

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad attacked Israel on Thursday, asserting that it is the most hated state in the world. He said Israel "was established on lies" is losing the support of the West and would soon disappear.

Speaking in the southern Iranian Province of Hormozagan Ahmadinejad said that Israel was a Western prodigy that had now "reached the end of its road."

Continuing with his hate speech he told a crowd of supporters "See what has become of Israel. They [the West] gathered the most criminal people in the world and stationed them in our region with lies and fabricated scenarios. They waged wars, committed massive aggression… and made millions of people homeless"

"Today, it is clear that Israel is the most hated regime in the world… It is not useful for its masters [the West] anymore. They are in doubt now. They wonder whether to continue spending money on this regime or not," said Ahmadinejad.

"But whether they want it or not, with god's grace, this regime will be annihilated and Palestinians and other regional nations will be rid of its bad omen," he added.

Ahmadinejad claimed "even a new military conflict" could save the Israel.

"They think in their underdeveloped minds that if they launch another war against Lebanon or Syria it might help them survive a little longer. I am telling them that you are in a situation now that more aggressions or wars will not save you."

Ahmadinejad also threatened the US and its allies troops in the Middle East saying they should stop "making mischief."

"What are you doing in our region? Why are you deploying military forces here," he ranted.

"If you think military deployment will help you seize the oil in Iraq and in the Persian Gulf, I must tell you that the young generation of the Middle East will cut your hands off from the oil reserves of the Persian Gulf," he added.

More News fropm Jerusalem

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

PM Netanyahu’s Address to the Christians United For Israel Jerusalem Summit

PM Netanyahu’s Address to the Christians United For Israel Jerusalem Summit

Welcome to Jerusalem, the undivided, eternal capital of the Jewish state and the Jewish people.

Your presence here today represents a profound transformation in the relationship between Christians and Jews. This transformation has its roots in the 19th century when the early Christian Zionists came to the Land Israel and when they began exploring the land of the Bible, when they began to yearn for the Jewish restoration in this land, the restoration of our numbers, the restoration of our sovereignty.

In fact, Christian Zionism preceded modern Jewish Zionism, and I think enabled it. But it received a tremendous impetus several decades ago when leading American clergymen, among them most notably, Pastor John Hagee, a dynamic pastor and leader from Texas, began to say to their congregations and to anyone who listened, it’s time to take a stand with Israel. It was time to take a stand with the sole democracy in the Middle East. It was time to take a stand against the lies and the slander and the vilifications. It was time to defend the Jewish state’s right to defend itself.

Today, Christians by the thousands, by the tens of thousands, by the hundreds of thousands, by the millions, by the tens of millions – today they have heard this call, and they stand with Israel. I salute you, the people of Israel salute you, the Jewish people salute you.

Time after time, through thick and thin, you have stood shoulder to shoulder with our state, and I have come here tonight to thank you for your unwavering friendship. And today that friendship is more important than ever because Israel faces unprecedented challenges to its security and its legitimacy.

No security challenge is more important to our common future than preventing Iran from developing nuclear weapons. I have said before and I’ll say again, that the greatest threat facing mankind is the specter of a militant Islamic regime acquiring nuclear weapons, or the specter of nuclear weapons acquiring a militant Islamic regime. The first is dangerously close to happening in Iran, and the second may or may not happen in Pakistan. I believe that with the right policies both can be averted.

If Iran develops atomic weapons, the world would never be the same. We would witness a cascade of terrorism across the globe as terrorists would operate under an Iranian nuclear umbrella. Look at how much havoc, how much terror they sow now, when there is no such umbrella, and understand what can happen if Iran, their patron, sponsor, supplier and supporter, if that Iran had nuclear weapons. Equally, the region’s vital oil supplies could be severely threatened and efforts to prevent the proliferation of nuclear weapons in the Middle East would collapse as one regime after another would rush to acquire nuclear weapons of their own. Worst of all, if nuclear weapons would be given to terrorists, or to terrorist states, a 65 year-old era of nuclear peace would be endangered for the first time.

Remember that for the tyrants in Tehran, Israel is only the little Satan. In their eyes, America is the Great Satan. America is their ultimate target. Yet for Israel, the threat from Iran could not be clearer. Iran’s leaders openly call for Israel’s destruction. They brazenly deny the Holocaust and they hope, and they say so just about every other day, they hope to wipe Israel off the map of the Middle East.

We must not allow such a regime to threaten the peace of the world, the peace and security of all humanity. All responsible members of the international community must do everything in their power to stop Iran from developing atomic weapons.

As we speak the United States is leading an international effort to impose sanctions on Iran. We believe those sanctions must have teeth. And to have teeth, they must bite deep into Iran's energy sector. Simply put, they should prevent Iran from importing gasoline and from exporting oil. I believe that such measures might convince the regime to choose between continuing the weapons program and between assuring the regime’s future. But there must be tough, biting sanctions.

I said that we face great challenges to our security, but we also face unprecedented challenges to our legitimacy. Now this assault on our legitimacy comes in many forms – it comes from the so-called human rights bodies in the UN which would deny Israel its legitimate right of self-defense, it comes by falsely charging Israel’s political and military leaders with imaginary war crimes, and it comes by the outrageous waging campaigns to boycott, divest and sanction Israel. You are all familiar with that.

But I think that there is an even greater assault on our legitimacy. I think it is the attempt to perpetrate one of the greatest lies of history -- to deny the connection between the people of Israel and the land of Israel; to cast the Jewish people as foreigners in the land of our forefathers. Make no mistake about it. The attempt to deny our history in this land is an attempt to deny our future in this land. That is why to defend our past is to defend our future.

I ask you all to join us in this battle to defend the truth. Remind them of Abraham and Isaac, remind them of Joshua and Samuel, remind them of David and Solomon. Remind the world that the land of the Bible is not in the heavens but right here on earth. And that the people of the Bible, are on the land of the Bible.

Let me tell you how I remind foreign officials of this connection of the Jewish people to our history and to this land. You see, they visit my office. And I say, Would you come and look at this little signet ring that I was given on loan from the Department of Antiquities? It was found next to the Wall of the Second Temple, but it dates back to the First Temple. It goes back some 2800 years ago, to the period of the Kings. It is a signet seal of a Jewish official, and it has a name written in ancient Hebrew, which I can read. The name is: Netanyahu. Netanyahu Ben-Yoash. I say, that’s my last name. My first name, Benjamin, dates back 1000 years earlier, to Benjamin the son of Jacob, who also walked these hills. That is our connection. And nobody can deny the connection of the Jewish people to the Jewish land.

Israel faces great challenges. We must prevent Iran from developing nuclear weapons. We must repel the assault on our legitimacy. We must find a way to achieve peace with our neighbors. We must all pray for the peace of Jerusalem.

After centuries in exile, I have come here to assure you, the people of Israel have come home and no force on earth will ever make us leave our home again.

Government Press Office

Monday, March 8, 2010

Facing Iran: Lessons Learned Since Iraq's 1991 Missile Attack on Israel

Facing Iran: Lessons Learned Since Iraq's 1991 Missile Attack on Israel

Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs

by Moshe Arens

Vol. 9, No. 21 8 March 2010

The Iranians learned a great deal from the destruction of Iraq's Osirak reactor by the Israel Air Force in 1981. The Osirak reactor was the key element in the Iraqi nuclear program: a single target which, when it was destroyed, set that program back very substantially. The Iranians saw this and they dispersed their nuclear program. Much of it is deep underground. There is no single target which, if destroyed, would substantially set back the Iranian nuclear program.

When I came to Washington as Israel's ambassador in 1982, the atmosphere was one of hostility and there was talk of imposing sanctions against Israel as a reaction to its unilateral action against the Osirak reactor. Yet after a few years the view in Washington changed completely. It is difficult to envision the Americans undertaking Operation Desert Storm in the Gulf in 1991 if the Iraqi nuclear program had continued beyond 1981 and had not been so seriously set back by the Israeli action.

Some say that while the missiles Israel faces are relatively cheap weapons, we are launching a very expensive missile interceptor system against it, which does not seem very wise at first sight. However, the damage that might be caused by the incoming missile may far exceed the cost of the anti-missile system.

Israel's missile interceptor system poses a dilemma to anybody who decides to launch missiles against Israel, especially a missile that has a nuclear warhead. The dilemma is that the missile may very well be intercepted and thus expose the launching of a nuclear missile, even if it didn't reach its target, which could bring about the response that could be expected for committing this deed.

At the start of the Gulf War, the Americans said they expected that within 48 hours the U.S. Air Force would eliminate the missile launch capability of the Iraqis. If they did not succeed, Israel would be free to take whatever action it considered appropriate. Although there was intensive aerial activity directed at hitting the Scud launchers, not a single Scud launcher was hit or immobilized during the Gulf War. Furthermore, the U.S.-made Patriot missiles in Israel did not succeed in intercepting a single Scud missile.

Today, in 2010, in the United States and the Western world there is a very real and acute awareness of the danger that Iranian nuclear activity - which is clearly designed to achieve a nuclear military capability - poses to the world, not just to Israel.

Some people like to think that Israel has nothing to worry about because of the sizable Muslim population in the area and that the Iranians would not dare to cause massive destruction in an area where many Muslims might get injured or killed. However, as Prof. Bernard Lewis has said on a number of occasions, this kind of immunity is imaginary because radical Muslims are convinced that God knows how to tell the difference between Jews and Muslims.

What Iran Learned from the Israeli Attack on the Iraqi Nuclear Reactor

The Iranians learned a great deal from the destruction of Iraq's Osirak reactor by the Israel Air Force in 1981, which set back Saddam Hussein's nuclear project very significantly. At the time of the Gulf War nine years later, Israel estimated that the Iraqis really did not have any nuclear capability, that the destruction of the Osirak reactor set them back so far that they did not have the capability to endanger Israel with nuclear weapons. The Osirak reactor was the key element in the Iraqi nuclear program: a single target which, when it was destroyed, set that program back very substantially.

The Iranians saw this and they dispersed their nuclear program. There is no single element or target which, if destroyed, would substantially set back the Iranian nuclear program. Much of it is deep underground. So the Iranians have done their best to obtain immunity from the possibility of an aerial attack of the kind that destroyed the Iraqi nuclear reactor, making any military move, regardless of who might consider taking it, substantially more difficult.

Changing U.S. Attitudes toward the Osirak Attack

I came to Washington as Israel's ambassador in 1982, a little over a year after the destruction of the Osirak reactor. The atmosphere in Washington at the time was one of hostility, anger, even antagonism - and this was the Reagan administration, an administration correctly considered as very friendly towards Israel. The administration thought Israel's action was ill-conceived, a mistake that could only cause problems rather than solve them. When I arrived in Washington there was talk of actually imposing sanctions against Israel as a reaction to this unilateral action by Israel against the Osirak reactor.

After a few years the view in Washington on that particular action had changed completely. It is difficult to envision the Americans undertaking Operation Desert Storm in the Gulf in 1991 if the Iraqi nuclear reactor had still existed, if the Iraqi nuclear program had continued beyond 1981, and if that program had not been so seriously set back by the Israeli action.

General David Ivri, who was the commander of the Israel Air Force at the time of the Osirak operation, had a photograph of the destroyed reactor in his office, given to him by Dick Cheney, the American secretary of defense during the Gulf War, with his compliments. This was an indication of the appreciation that today is felt by most, if not all, about the very important, positive aspects of that particular operation. People's views changed with time, and what started out with feelings of antagonism and even hostility changed to strong appreciation for what was done for the benefit of everybody, certainly for the benefit of the Western world and, of course, Israel.

Israel's Experience Under Long-Range Missile Attack

During the 1991 Gulf War, Israel experienced a major missile attack from a distant Muslim country, facing Soviet-made Scud missiles from Iraq. Since we did not believe that the Iraqis had a nuclear capability in 1991, we were not concerned about being hit by nuclear weapons. However, we knew they had conventional explosive warheads, and our estimate was that they also had chemical warheads.

The first question that arose was whether the Iraqis could be deterred from launching these missiles against Israel. I met with Egyptian President Mubarak shortly before the Gulf War, who was of the opinion that Iraq would not dare fire these missiles against Israel. It turned out that he was wrong, and so were many people who thought that Israel could deter Saddam Hussein from firing his missiles against Israel.

Saddam Hussein fired thirty-nine missiles against Israel during the Gulf War. Fortunately, only six landed in populated areas, one of them not far from my house. There was considerable property damage but only one civilian was killed. Most of Israel's population went around with gas masks and took shelter in sealed rooms or underground shelters during those five weeks, as every day or so we found ourselves under fire from these missiles.

The Iraqis did not use chemical warheads during the Gulf War, and we can only assume - since they had chemical warheads at the time - that they were deterred from doing so by what they thought might be the Israeli response or, more probably, by what the American response might be. Iraq knew there was very close coordination and collaboration between the United States and Israel, and there might be an American response that they might not welcome.

As the countdown began for the Gulf War, for the American invasion of Kuwait and Iraq, Iraqi Foreign Minister Tariq Aziz said quite openly that the Iraqis were going to fire their Scud missiles against Israel. He told Secretary of State Jim Baker in Geneva shortly before the U.S. military operation: "If we are attacked, we will fire missiles against Israel."

The precautions Israel took - the preparation of sealed rooms, the distribution of gas masks - were very unpleasant. During the war little Israeli children were walking around with little brown boxes at their sides that contained the gas mask kit they were prepared to put on their faces the minute the alarm was sounded. Whenever an alarm was sounded - which happened almost every day during the war - people ran for shelters, ran for sealed rooms, and put on their gas masks.

Those Scud missiles were a somewhat upgraded version of the German V2 rockets from World War II. The Germans fired these rockets against Britain toward the end of the war and caused very considerable damage. There was no way of intercepting them. We did not know how to shoot down a ballistic missile that comes at us at supersonic speeds.

The Drive to Develop Missile Interceptors

During the Gulf War, Israel was already in the process of developing a missile designed to intercept Scud rockets. This had become possible because of technological advances, primarily in computer and radar technology. This development had started some years before the Gulf War, partially funded by the United States as part of what Reagan called the Star Wars Initiative, when the U.S. launched a very large program to develop anti-missile missiles. Today Israel has the Arrow system that can intercept missiles that come from Iran.

Some say that while the missile we intend to intercept is a relatively cheap weapon, we are launching a very expensive weapon against it, which does not seem very wise at first sight. However, the damage that might be caused by the missile may far exceed the cost of the anti-missile system.

Israel's missile interceptor system poses a dilemma to anybody who decides to launch missiles against Israel, especially a missile that has a nuclear warhead. The dilemma is posed by the knowledge that the missile may very well be intercepted and thus expose the launching of a nuclear missile, even if it didn't reach its target, which could bring about the response that could be expected for committing this deed. When this is taken into account, a decision might very well be made that this chance should not be taken and such a missile should not be launched.

There are many ways of trying to fool a missile interceptor, such as the use of decoys and the use of maneuvering reentry vehicles that will try to escape the interceptor. But for every measure there is a countermeasure, and the people who are developing the Arrow system are taking all that into consideration.

Israel is also very close to fielding the Iron Dome missile interceptor system against short-range missiles with a range of tens of kilometers. The shorter the range of the missile, the more difficult it is to intercept because you simply have less time available to react.

American-Israeli Relations During the Gulf War

During the Gulf War there was a very "noisy" communications channel with the United States. The physical contact was good. I spoke with Secretary of Defense Cheney at least every day, sometimes two or three times a day.

The Americans were very concerned that Israel might take preemptive action even before they began their military operation. They were very eager that Israel not get involved in any way because they had built a coalition with Arab countries - Egypt, Syria, Saudi Arabia (they were operating out of Saudi Arabia) - and they were afraid that coalition might fall apart if Israel openly got involved in the operation.

The Americans asked that we not undertake any preemptive action, that we let them handle the situation. They said they expected that within 48 hours the U.S. Air Force would eliminate the missile launch capability of the Iraqis. If it turned out that they were not going to be able to do it within forty-eight hours, Israel would be free to take whatever action it considered appropriate.

It was under these assumptions that Desert Storm began, and Israel did not take any preemptive action. When the first Scuds fell, we waited for the United States to take care of the problem. As it turned out, the problem of hitting mobile launchers was far more difficult than the U.S. had envisioned. Although there was intensive aerial activity directed at hitting the Scud launchers, not a single Scud launcher was hit or immobilized during the five weeks of the Gulf War. Hitting moving targets that appear only for a very short time and then disappear is very difficult, even to this day.

Even at that point, the United States was very eager that Israel not intervene in any way. So, despite the previous U.S. assurance that Israel would be free to take action if the missile threat could not be eliminated within forty-eight hours, after seventy-two hours President Bush called Prime Minister Yitzhak Shamir and Jim Baker called me, insisting that we not take any action, that we not in any way "spoil" the operation that was underway.

Then the Americans sent over the Patriots. The Patriot was probably the most advanced anti-aircraft missile around at the time, and was advertised as also having anti-missile capability. When the Gulf War started, the United States insisted that the Patriot, which was operating in Saudi Arabia, was effective in destroying Scud missiles. The U.S. urged us to also accept Patriot missiles and was prepared to send them to Israel with American crews because Israeli crews had not yet been trained.

As it turned out, the Patriot missiles in Israel did not succeed in intercepting a single Scud missile. Today there is a more advanced version of the Patriot that is said to have limited capability for intercepting ballistic missiles.

Israeli Plans to Attack Iraqi Missile Sites

During this five-week period I even traveled to Washington to tell President Bush that we could not reconcile ourselves with the continuing situation of these missiles falling on Israel with no reaction and that we had to take action.

But what kind of action? The initial feeling in Israel was that we should get the Israel Air Force to respond, but this didn't make much sense when the United States and its British allies were employing an armada of aircraft that were flying out of Saudi Arabia and off aircraft carriers in the Persian Gulf, plastering Iraq day and night. The U.S. was not interested in Israel participating in any way in the fighting during the Gulf War. So it didn't seem to make sense to use our air force under these circumstances.

In order to neutralize the launching of the Scuds, it became clear very quickly that the only way this could be done would be by ground troops. Ground troops would have to search for the places where the launchers were being hidden and take action on the ground. That is no simple operation. It is 1,000 kilometers from Israel to Baghdad and it would involve landing ground troops in western Iraq.

Nevertheless, we prepared that kind of an operation. Gen. Nehemia Tamari was scheduled to lead it. We told the Americans that we had no choice, that we had to take that kind of action. The Americans didn't like it, though they finally accepted it. But before we were able to launch this operation, the Americans declared a cease-fire and the war was over.

I was for an Israeli response. I gave instructions to prepare a military operation in western Iraq, a very difficult and dangerous one, mainly because I thought it would be wrong for Israel to be hit without responding for the first time in its history. I thought this would send the wrong message to Israel's enemies.

In the meantime, we have taken actions against terrorists in military operations in the West Bank, Lebanon, and Gaza. So I don't think that the fact that we did not respond during the Gulf War in 1991 permanently damaged Israel's deterrent capability.

* * *

Prof. Moshe Arens was Israel's defense minister during the 1991 war with Iraq. He served as Israel's Minister of Defense in three different governments, as Minister of Foreign Affairs, as Chairman of the Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee, and was Israel's Ambassador to the United States. This Jerusalem Issue Brief is based on his presentation at the Institute for Contemporary Affairs on January 28, 2010.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Iran launches new missile production line - capable of destroying 3,000 ton warships

Iran has started mass production of the Nasr 1 (Victory) cruise missile according to Iran’s official IRNA news agency.

Iranian Interior Minister Brigadier General Ahmad Vahidi said at a ceremony to inaugurate Nasr 1 production line "Nasr 1 missile is a cruise missile capable of destroying warships that weigh up to 3,000 tons."

Vahidi, speaking at Iran’s defense ministry's Aerospace Industries Organization also said the “Nasr 1 is a short-range coast-to-sea and sea-to-sea missile which could be fired from coasts and all types of vessels.” adding it would strengthen Iran's naval power as “New features will be added to the missile in the near future, making it suitable for launch from helicopters and submarines.”

Ahmad Vahidi said last year while announcing Iran successfully tested upgraded versions of the medium-range Shahab-3 and Sajjil missiles with can fly up to 2,000 kilometers, putting Israel well within range, that in the event of an Israeli attack its "lifespan, which is today coming to an end, would be speeded up" and “If this [Israeli attack] happens, which of course we do not foresee, its ultimate result would be that it expedites the Zionist regime's last breath.”

This week IHS Jane’s reported, through the use of commercial satellite imagery from DigitalGlobe and GeoEye, that a new launch pad is being constructed with North Korean assistance at Iran’s Semnan space centre that could ultimately launch Tehran’s next-generation Simorgh rocket.

More News from Jerusalem

Monday, March 1, 2010

Senator Kerry: Israel won't go alone on Iran - U.S is on same page

US Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chairman John Kerry visiting Jerusalem today said the United States and Israel were “on the same page” regarding Iran’s nuclear program and called on the international community to take a tough stance against Iran's nuclear program and impose effective sanctions.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Senator Kerry met this morning to discuss the main issues on the agenda, including the Iranian nuclear threat and ways to resume the negotiations between Israel and the Palestinian Authority.

Speaking to reporters concerning the various options on the table the Senator said "I think that the prime minister is fully aware through his conversations with the administration as well as through his own comments to not be rash or not jump the gun and to give the other opportunities a chance"

On whether or not Israel would make a preemptive strike on Iran’s nuclear facilities Senator Kerry said he believed “Netanyahu understood what the U.S. was trying to achieve with diplomacy.”

The Senator also met with opposition leader Tzipi Livni who warned of the situation that has unfolded since the government added to a list of heritage sites the Cave of Patriarchs and Rachel's Tomb saying “The diplomatic conflict between Israel and the Palestinians is about to turn into a religious one that will be impossible to solve,” adding "I call upon the Palestinian leadership to stop the deterioration in the situation before it is too late.”

Vice President Joe Biden is expected to make a trip to Israel shortly to continue with discussions on the Iranian situation.

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Sunday, February 28, 2010

After the clashes last week that erupted in Hebron over Israel’s decision to include Rachel's Tomb and Cave of the Patriarchs in a list of heritage sites, disturbances today came to Jerusalem.

Last night about 30 Arabs barricaded themselves in the Mosque – Sunday morning a group of about 20 remained, and wearing masks, they began started throwing stones at visiting Christians and Jews.

Police entered the Temple Mount this morning in response to stone throwing by Palestinians. Four policemen and two stone throwers were slightly injured - Seven other youths were arrested on suspicion of throwing stones.

The Islamic Movement and members of the Waqf have urged Muslims to “flock to the Temple Mount” claiming radical Jewish organizations are preparing to arrive at the Temple Mount today and again on Tuesday in an attempt to lay the cornerstone for the temple."

The Islamic organizations also called on Muslims to be on high alert around March 16, when they said extreme Jewish organizations were planning to mark the global day for the temple's reconstruction.

As tensions escalate the IDF have imposed a closure on the West Bank for the Purim holiday through Monday evening.

More stories at News from Jerusalem

Friday, February 26, 2010

Nasrallah Assad Ahmadinejad meet in Damascus to discuss "Zionist threat"

Nasrallah Assad Ahmadinejad meet in Damascus to discuss "Zionist threat"

Syrian President Assad holds banquet to honor Iranian President Ahmadinejad and Hizballah terror leader Hassan Nasrallah at his presidential palace in the Syrian capital Damascus.

Ahmadinejad and Assad together unleashed vicious rhetoric against Israel, with Ahmadinejad declaring that the “criminal” state of Israel is doomed, and Assad charging that Israel “is capable of aggression at any point.”

Ahmadinejad also vowed during his visit to Damascus that Arab nations will usher in a new Middle East “without Zionists and without colonialists” and "resistance is the most successful way to liberate land," continuing with his speech and to emphasize further Ahmadinejad said "If the Zionists want to repeat their mistake again, they must be uprooted from the source"

While the United States is trying to drive a wedge between these two sponsors of terrorism, Syria and Iran, the methods being used to accomplish this are evidently not having their desired effect, with President Assad saying while meeting with Ahmadinejad on Thursday, ''We wanted this festive day to be one of accomplishment, so we signed an agreement on annulling entry visas between Syria and Iran…This agreement would result in more communication and enhancing of the common interests of the Syrian and Iranian peoples.”

U.S State Department spokesman P J Crowley responded to this new situation saying "The US wants to see Syria play a more constructive role in the region, and one step would be to make clear what Iran needs to do differently. And, unfortunately, there was no evidence of that today."

Sunday, February 21, 2010

President Peres to the Jewish Agency Board of Governors: Iran presents the greatest danger for the whole world

“Iran presents the greatest danger for the whole world. An international coalition must do three things: raise a moral call, impose economic sanctions, and install advanced anti-missile defense systems.”

“I think there exists a great call for a Jewish spiritual revival and re-moralization against the dangers we face”

President Peres opened the three-day meeting of the Jewish Agency Board of Governors today. In his address the President told the Jewish leaders: “Iran presents the greatest danger for the whole world. Today the Arabs are being challenged by the Iranian desire to establish a non-Arab hegemony over the Middle East as it was for four hundred years under the Persian Empire. The Iranians use Israel as an excuse but we shall disappoint them. We don’t want to govern anybody—neither Arabs, nor Muslims.”

The President declared “we have to think seriously how to handle [the Iranian threat], and how to face it,” and stated that “I don’t think [Iran presents] a problem or danger simply against Israel. It’s against the whole world. Having imperialistic ambitions and a nuclear bomb is a very dangerous combination because a single bomb today is like a whole army in other times. The world will become ungovernable if every country in the Middle East will have a nuclear bomb without responsible people to govern it. I am afraid the world is moving too slowly to face the problem.”

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Mother celebrates son’s Martyrdom death

Mother celebrates son's Martyrdom death:
"All mothers should sacrifice their child for Palestine"

Palestinian Authority TV news recently chose to feature a Palestinian mother promoting her son's death as a positive goal.

Upon learning of her son's death in an Israeli air strike, the mother explained that she had always hoped for her son's Shahada - death as a Martyr -- and recommended that other mothers likewise "sacrifice their child for Palestine."

The words of another woman, chosen by PA TV news for the pre-recorded news report, described how Palestinian society sees Martyrs as grooms. This is based on the Islamic tradition, promoted actively by the PA and Hamas, that Martyrs will marry 72 virgins in Paradise.

PA TV news report:

Mother upon news of son's death in an Israeli air strike: "We had always hoped for his [my son's] Martyrdom (Shahada), knowing he wanted to die as a Martyr (Shahid). Every time he went out, we would say to him, 'May Allah be with you.' We knew that he wanted to die as a Martyr. Praise to Allah, he sought Martyrdom, and he achieved it. My message to every mother is to sacrifice her child for Palestine."
Second woman: "By Allah, we welcome every Martyr as if he were a groom among us."

[PA TV (Fatah), Feb. 11, 2010]

Palestinian Media Watch has documented that these two ideas -- that death is a higher value than life and that Martyrdom death leads to a wedding between the Martyr and the virgins of Paradise -- have been promoted actively by both the Palestinian Authority and Hamas for years.

Palestinian schoolbooks teach children that aspiring to death is better than life:

"O heroes, Allah has promised you victory ... Do not talk yourselves into flight...
Your enemies seek life while you seek death."
They seek spoils to fill their empty stomachs while you seek a Garden [Paradise] as wide as are the heavens and the earth...
Death is not bitter in the mouth of the believers. These drops of blood that gush from your bodies will be transformed tomorrow into blazing red meteors that will fall down upon the heads of your enemies."

[Reading and Texts Part II, Grade 8, p. 16. Schoolbook currently in use in PA schools.]

Read more at News from Jerusalem

IAEA: Iran may be developing a nuclear warhead

IAEA: Iran may be developing a nuclear warhead

Israel's Foreign Ministry responds to the latest IAEA report on Iran's nuclear program saying “The new IAEA report deals more sharply and clearly than its predecessors with the military aspects of Iran’s nuclear program,”

The IAEA report said Iran’s resistance to agency efforts to probe for signs of a nuclear cover-up “give rise to concerns about possible military dimensions to Iran’s nuclear program.” The leaked report also went on to say, "The information available to the agency raises concerns about the possible existence in Iran of past or current undisclosed activities related to the development of a nuclear payload for a missile."

These reports contradict to a U.S assement of Iran's nuclear program that shall now need to be revised in light of the evidence mounting against the Islamic regime, who with Ahmadinejad at the helm has countless times threated to wipe Israel "Off the Map."

The scientific and the diplomatic

Enriching uranium from 0 to twenty percent and twenty percent to 90 percent is somewhat like an earthquake. The difference between a 2.0 earthquake and a 2.5 earthquake is not point five percent stronger. A 2.0 earthquake has an Approximate TNT for Seismic Energy Yield of 1 metric ton. A 2.5 earthquake has an Approximate TNT for Seismic Energy Yield of 5.6 metric tons.

So to with enriching uranium; seventy percent of the work toward reaching weapons-grade uranium took place when Iran enriched uranium gas to 3.5 percent. Meanwhile, enriching uranium under the guise of medical needs will get Tehran much closer to possessing weapons-grade material. It much easier to go from twenty percent to ninety, percent than from five percent to twenty percent.

Enriching uranium further to the 19.75 percent needed for the reactor is an additional “fifteen to twenty percent of the way there.” So once Iran got to twenty percent they were about eighty five percent of the way to weapons grade uranium.

Once the uranium is enriched above twenty percent, it is considered highly enriched uranium. The uranium would need to be enriched further, to sixty percent and then to ninety percent, before it could be used for a weapon. The last two steps are not that big a deal, and could be accomplished within months.

I once thought twenty percent enrichment, they have another seventy percent to go, that will take awhile… not so! Why do they lump twenty percent and ninety percent U235 together as highly enriched uranium? Iran will find it much easier to go from twenty to ninety, than from five to twenty.

An important thing to understand about the enrichment process is the removing of undesirable isotopes. For an example; If you have 1000 atoms of uranium. Seven of them will be the fissile isotope Uranium 235. The other 993 are useless Uranium 238. To make reactor fuel, Iran or any other country would removes 860 of the non-U235 isotopes, leaving a U235 to U238 ratio of 7:140 or five percent.

To make fuel for the TRR, Iran removes another 105 non-U235 atoms from the 140, leaving a ratio of 7:35 or twenty percent. To make a bomb, Iran needs only to remove 27 of the remaining 35 atoms, leading a ratio of 7:8 and you’re at 90 percent.

Iran’s recent announcement that they are at the twenty percent enrichment point begins a new and potentially dangerous turn in the situation. If Iran enriches a significant amount of U235 to 20 percent and that is their most resent statement, Iran would be able to “top off” the enrichment process in a small, clandestine facility like the one near Qom. The answer to the real intentions of Iran is pretty obvious. They passed medical and industrial grade, so what is next… The old Kingston trio song lyrics still hold true today “ mans been endowed with the mushroom shaped cloud and we know for certain that some lovely day some one will set the spark off and we will all be blown away”.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Checkmate - Ahmadinejad is Playing Iran's Deadly Game

Checkmate - Ahmadinejad is Playing Iran's Deadly Game

Iran’s President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is playing a very dangerous game. His years of defiance in the face of international pressure to come clean about Iran's nuclear ambitions is coming to a head.

The latest IAEA report proves Iran is capable of making a nuclear weapon. With their enrichment program going from 20 to 90 percent; the process would take just six months.

Israel, in the event of what looks like a ‘when’ and not ‘if’ major conflict in the middle east, is going to have its hands full with a barrage of Kassam, Grad, Mortars, Katyusha and Scuds fired at her by hostile neighbors in retaliation to an attack on Iran by Israel, the US or a coalition of countries. No matter who leads the attack on Iran, it will be played out as Israel’s fault and Israel will pay the ultimate price.

Since the 2006 Lebanon war there has been one report after another that Hezballah has restocked and refortified its military with weapons smuggled in through Syria from Iran. Syria has built up its reserves with weapons from Iran as well. Hamas in Gaza has not lost any time during this past year’s cease fire, smuggling bigger and more sophisticated weapons, and now has rockets that can travel 60 kilometers, which puts Tel Aviv in striking distance from the south.

What does this mean for Israel? Even with the mid 2010 launch date of the first “Iron Dome” system along the Gaza border, a barrage of rockets from three different sides all at once may prove more than the Iron Dome can handle.

IDF Head of Operations, Brig. Gen. Aviv Kochavi, said that some Hezballah rockets now have a range of more than 150 miles -- making Tel Aviv reachable from as far away as Beirut. Israeli officials say Hezbollah's most potent weapons include about 500 Iranian Zilzal guided missiles, with a range up to 186 miles.

In addition, they say Hezballah has 4,000 to 6,000 Iranian Fajr 3 rockets; an artillery rocket that has an estimated range of 45 kilometers or 25-30 miles, and Fajr 5 rockets, which have a range of about 75–80 kilometers. In totality The IDF estimates Hezballah has about 40,000 rockets of different sizes and types and the stock pile is growing daily.

On top of the Iranian threat and an ever growing stockpile of conventional weapons being prepared for what seems like an inevitable conflict in the near future, Israel in the last few weeks is witnessing an escalation in the rhetoric against her from both Syria and Lebanon. Hizballah chief Hassan Nasrallah threatened this week "If you bomb the airport of martyr Rafik Hariri in Beirut, we will bomb Ben Gurion's airport in Tel Aviv." Today Syria's prime minister warned Israel that any new Mideast war would be “catastrophic for the region and beyond.”

Is Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s rhetoric and defiance to the UN and the rest of the international community an effort to egg Israel into a preemptive strike so Iran’s puppet nations can launce a conventional attack on Israel, while all the time yelling “self defense”?

Make no mistake a Nuclear Iran is a threat to Israel, the Middle East and the rest of the world. I was reminded that the game of chess found its roots in the Middle East. Did you know the word “Mate,” as in “Checkmate” is Arabic and means "died", "is dead”?

Sunday, February 14, 2010

U.S Military Head in Israel as PM Netanyahu heads to Russia

U.S Military Head in Israel as PM Netanyahu heads to Russia

Amid growing speculation of an Israeli strike against Iran’s nuclear facilities, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Michael Mullen is in Israel for discussions with military personel while Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is en-route to Moscow for meetings with top Russian officials.

Michael Mullen had a brief stop first in Egypt and will have another stop in Jordan on the way out. So far there is just speculation to the nature of the talks however, amid renewed speculation that the Israelis may be preparing for a strike on Iranian nuclear facilities, the subject is expected to be focused on the growing threat from Iran’s nuclear program.

During his visit Admiral Mullen will hold a private meeting with Lt. Gen. Ashkenazi, as well as a briefing with senior commanders of the General Staff, including Deputy Chief of the General Staff, Maj. Gen. Benny Ganz, Head of Israel Defense Intelligence, Maj. Gen. Amos Yadlin, Head of Strategic Planning Directorate, Maj. Gen. Amir Eshel, and the military attaché to Washington, Maj. Gen. Gadi Shamni.

Despite some differences of opinion concerning Iran’s nuclear program, last year Mullen said both himself and Ashkenazi are "by and large" in agreement on Iran's progress toward obtaining nuclear weapons. He also knows "there is a leadership in Israel that is not going to tolerate" a nuclear Iran, saying that Tehran's atomic designs are a matter of "life or death" for the Jewish state. Regarding the question of whether or not Iran’s nuclear program has peaceful purposes he said, "I fundamentally believe that the Iranians are on a path to developing a nuclear weapon.”

Israel’s Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu spoke about his coming trip to Russia during today’s cabinet meeting, saying "We will discuss Iran first and foremost." Netanyahu is expected to meet with Russian President Dmitry Medvedev and with Prime Minister Vladimir Putin where he will push for urgent "crippling sanctions" against Iran over its nuclear program.

Meanwhile in the background and possibly flying under the radar was the American military teams visit to Israel to disgust the possibility of storing some of the equipment and ammunition that is going to be pulled out of Iraq. “There is talk that some of the equipment will be stored in Israel,” the official said. “If that is the case, in the event of an emergency we may be able to use it.” Last month the pentagon decided to double the value of emergency military stockpiles it stores in Israel.

The US already maintains several stockpiles in Israel that include missiles, armored vehicles, aerial munitions and artillery ordnance. The US began stockpiling equipment in Israel in the early 1990s.

"Officially, all of this equipment belongs to the US military,” one official said. “If however, there is a conflict, the IDF can ask for permission to use some of the equipment.” US stockpiles were used during the Second Lebanon War in 2006.

The IDF and the Pentagon are also working on an agreement regarding the establishment of a Joint Strike Fighter (JSF) maintenance center in Israel. The US will set up a maintenance center on an Israel Air Force base. The center will be manned by Americans who would maintain planes that would make up a squadron of F35 fighters Israel is seeking from the U.S.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Ahmadinejad to Assad 'Destroy Israel if it attacks'

Ahmadinejad to Assad 'Destroy Israel if it attacks'

Iran’s State broadcaster reported yesterday that President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad told Assad his country has 'reliable information Zionist regime looking to compensate for its ridiculous defeats in Gaza, Lebanon'

According to a Reuters report Ahmadinejad also said on Wednesday that "If the Zionist regime should repeat its mistakes and initiate a military operation, then it must be resisted with full force to put an end to it once and for all"

President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has on many occasions called for Israel to be "wiped off the map"

Israel sees Iran's nuclear program as an existential threat and has not ruled out military action should diplomacy fail to deliver an agreement that would halt the Islamic regimes nuclear ambitions.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu told a group of European diplomats yesterday that "Iran is racing forward to produce nuclear weapons" emphasizing the situation shall not be resolved by weak sanctions, saying "This means not moderate sanctions, or watered-down sanctions," while reminding them that the time left to apply these measures is running out "This means crippling sanctions and these sanctions must be applied right now."

The Islamic Republic does not recognize Israel and will not mention Israel by name but says “Zionist regime” or as Iran’s FM Mottaki said this week "a mad nation led by insane people" referring to Israel.

Last May, General Ataollah Salehi, general commander of the Iranian army said: "The truth is that Israel does not have the courage to attack us. If we are subjected to any attack by Israel, I do not think we will need more than 11 days to wipe Israel out of existence."

Anti-government protesters were dispersed today on Tehran’s main square as hundreds of thousands of Iranians took to the streets to celebrate Iran’s 31st anniversary of the revolution.

According to reports from the Wall Street Journal the Iranian telecommunications have suspended all email deliveries to and from Gmail – Google has not yet commented

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Anti Semitism… in the Church?

When you think of anti Semitism the first thing that comes to your mind might be the holocaust and the senseless death of six million people just because they were Jewish. The first person you think of probably is Hitler. The last place you would think you would find anti Semitism would be in the church or in a pastor; but sad to say anti Semitism is in the church and it is being taught from the pulpit.

Let’s go back in church history; most people hail Martin Luther as one of the great church reformers and the founder of the Lutheran church. Few of us know that Luther's attitude toward the Jews changed over the course of his life. In the early phase of his career—until around 1536—he expressed concern for their plight in Europe and was enthusiastic at the prospect of converting them to Christianity through his evangelical reforms. As time went on and the Jews refused to convert to Christianity, Luther became angered with the Jewish people, denounced them and urged for their harsh persecution. In a paragraph from his On the Jews and Their Lies he deplores Christendom's failure to exterminate them.

Luther writes that the Jews are a "base, whoring people, that is, no people of God, and their boast of lineage, circumcision, and law must be accounted as filth." Luther wrote that they are "full of the devil's feces ... which they wallow in like swine," and the synagogue is an "incorrigible whore and an evil slut". He argues that their synagogues and schools be set on fire, their prayer books destroyed, rabbis forbidden to preach, homes razed, and property and money confiscated. They should be shown no mercy or kindness, afforded no legal protection, and these "poisonous envenomed worms" should be drafted into forced labor or expelled for all time. He also seems to advocate their murder, writing "we are at fault in not slaying them."

It doesn’t take long before you see how the hatred of Adolph Hitler and Heinrich Himmler against the Jewish people was reinforced. In his rhetoric Hitler also fed on the old accusation of Jewish Deicide (a belief that places the responsibility for the death of Jesus on the Jewish people as a whole.) Because of this it has been speculated that Christian anti-Semitism influenced Hitler's ideas, especially such works as Martin Luther's essay On the Jews and Their Lies and the writings of Paul de Lagarde. Hitler biographer John Toland opines that Hitler "carried within him its teaching and that the Jew was the killer of God and their extermination, therefore, could be done without a twinge of conscience since he was merely acting as the avenging hand of God.

Look at the church today. The United Methodist Church and Presbyterian Church (USA) both divested from companies that support or supply material or equipment to Israel. The United Methodist Church published a church-sponsored report referring to the creation of the State of Israel as the “original sin.” The Presbyterian Church called on American Jews to “get a life” instead of focusing on defending Israeli policies.

How can you say you love God and not the Jewish people. If you don’t love the Jewish people then you don’t love the God of the Bible; God loves the Jewish people. God made an everlasting convent with the Jewish people; how long is everlasting, until Jesus came? If you say God has replaced the Jewish people with the church because of their disobedience, what makes you think He will not replace me or you because of our disobedience? If you say God has given up on the Jew then you have made God a liar.

Sad to say anti Semitism is ‘alive and well’ in the church, maybe not as blatant as burning crosses on they front lawn but in more subtle way.

More News from Jerusalem

Berlusconi 'Dreams' Israel would become a full member of the EU

Italy’s Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi, a strong supporter of Israel ‘dreams’ of the day when Israel would become a full member of the EU. Berlusconi’s sentiments however are not shared by all EU members.

The benefits to the E.U, should Israel ever be fully accepted are considerable. Israel’s advanced technological knowhow and highly trained military would obviously be a welcome addition to the European family, but at what cost to Israel – more pressure to uproot settlements in Judea Samaria, divide Jerusalem?

Israel is already a participant in European Neighborhood Policy, Euro-Mediterranean Partnership and enjoys favorable EU trade terms via an association agreement that came into force in 2000.

Concerning Iran, Silvio Berlusconi, is expected to sign an agreement with Israel, promised full support for the Iranian opposition, and noted that Iran has a leader “who reminds us of evil people from the past.” Berlusconi has previously compared Ahmadinejad with Hitler.

Prime Minister Berlusconi went on to say, "The entire international community must decide to state clearly, unequivocally and unanimously that it is unacceptable that nuclear weapons should be in the hands of a state whose leaders have openly proclaimed the will to destroy Israel and have denied both the Holocaust and the legitimacy of the Jewish state"

On operation “Cast Lead” Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi spoke out against “a damning UN report on the Gaza war.” saying “We were against the Goldstone Report, which tried to incriminate Israel for its justified response to Hamas rockets.” Berlusconi also said Israel "is not only the biggest example of democracy and liberty in the Middle East, but the only example." "Today the security of Israel... is for us Italians an ethical and moral imperative" and "Italy is proud of its many gestures of solidarity towards your country... such as our vote against the Goldstone report, which sought to criminalize Israel for responding to the rockets Hamas fired from Gaza." he said before a special session of the Knesset.

During Prime Minister Berlusconi’s visit, nine various agreements to cooperate in science, technology, industrial research and development, environmental protection, water, healthcare and more were signed. Also discussed were Israel’s desire to advance the peace process and Israel’s willingness to enter peace talks immediately without preconditions. The next meeting of the two prime Ministers will take place later on this year in Italy.

More News from Jerusalem