Monday, October 19, 2015

Defending yourself: Israel’s daily battle against enemies on all fronts – News from Jerusalem

by Tom Brennan, Once again President Abbas has chosen what he thinks is an opportune moment to attack Israel. Urging Palestinians, Hamas and other enemies to kill Israeli citizens, old and young, with knives and other weapons he uses the ongoing war in the region to advance his cause. The Obama Administration continues to carry out its vendetta against Israel by tacit and vocal support for the PAS, Iran and its own proxies, Syrian “moderates” in its incomprehensible excuse for a foreign policy. In America the Administration uses any excuse to push for gun control, except for murders of law enforcement personnel and military recruiters. Israel stands apart as a nation that stands its ground and adheres to principle.

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Israel’s “Friends in Strange Places” – News from Jerusalem

There’s an American Country and Western song, “I’ve got friends in low places”. The constantly changing scene in the Middle East reminds me of that song every day. The recent and sudden (at least to the White House and mass media) upgrade and activity of Russia in the Syrian War shows how quickly previous alliance and assumptions about leadership can change.

Friday, October 2, 2015

Signs and Warnings: Blood Moons and the Internet – News from Jerusalem

by Tom Brennan, We have just survived a number of dire forecasts and predictions; Shemitah, Blood Moons and enough internet chatter and reposts to turn anyone’s hair white with worry. But if you believe in God’s Word and read it as it was transmitted to the narrators in the Scriptures, you will be calm and much wiser.